Kaul Singh Thakur (Kaul Singh)
30 - Darang,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2012
30 - Darang,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2017,
Cycle fundraising - {{candidate_funds[0].cycle}}
Campaign Cycle | Amount |
Raised: | ${{candidate_funds[0].total}} |
Spent: | ${{candidate_funds[0].spent}} |
Cash On Hand: | ${{candidate_funds[0].cash_on_hand}} |
Debts: | ${{candidate_funds[0].debt}} |
Last Report: | {{candidate_funds[0].last_updated}} |
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{{ contributor.org_name | titleCase}} | ${{ contributor.total}} | ${{ contributor.individuals}} |
Top 5 five Industries - {{top_industries[0].cycle}}
Industry | Total |
{{ industry.industry_name}} | ${{ industry.total}} |
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Son of late Shri Laxman Singh Thakur; born on 23rd November, 1945 at village Sambal, Tehsil Sadar, Distt. Mandi; B.A., LL.B.; educated at Punjab University, Chandigarh; married to Smt. Chinta Thakur; one son and three daughters; Advocate and Horticulturist.
Organized Students’ Union in Govt. Degree College, Mandi and was elected its President; attended Advanced Leadership, Mountaineering and Social Service Course as Senior Under Officer, N.C.C.; ‘C’ Certificate holder, N.C.C.; represented the State as NCC Cadet in Republic Day Parade, 1967; performed ‘Traffic Duty’ during Indo-Pak War, 1965. Started political career as a Member, Panchayat Samiti, Mandi Sadar and unanimously elected its Chairman,1973-77; joined Congress for Democracy and Janata Party before being associated with Congress(I) in 1980; remained Chairman, Pradesh Congress Committee, Legal Cell; General Secretary : Congress Legislature Party, and ii) State Congress Committee (twice).
Elected to Legislative Assembly in 1977 as Janata Party candidate; re-elected to the Assembly in 1982, 1985, 1993, 1998, 2003 and 2007 on Congress ticket. Remained Chairman: Committee on Subordinate Legislation (two years) and ii) Estimates Committee, (four years); headed a high powered State level ‘Accident Enquiry Committee’ constituted by State Government.
Also remained Deputy Chairman, State Planning Board (Cabinet rank), 1983; Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Parliamentary Affairs & Law (Independent Charge), 1985–90; Speaker, Vidhan Sabha, 1993-98; and Minister for Irrigation & Public Health, Law & Justice, Urban Development & Parliamentary Affairs, March 6, 2003 to December, 2007; and President, Pradesh Congress Committee from 15th July 2008 to August 2012.
Elected to the State Legislative Assembly for the 8th time in 2012; and inducted into Council of Minister as Health & Family Welfare Minister with additional charge of Revenue, law & Legal Remembrance, Medical Education.
- Additional Charge: Revenue, law & Legal Remembrance, Medical Education.
- Special Interest : Social service.
- Languages Known : Hindi, English and Punjabi.
- Travels Abroad : Visited the then USSR as leader of a delegation under the auspices of Indo-Soviet Friendship Society, 1979; toured Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy (Rome), and the then West Germany as Member of a delegation (Govt. of India) to study development of Rock Salt mines; Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and South Korea as part of delegation of Health Ministers to study Family Planning Programme, 1994; as delegate (H.P. State branch) attended CPA 40th Conference at Banff (Canada), 1994, 41st Conference at Colombo (Sri Lanka), 1995, 42nd Conference, Malaysia, 1996, and 43rd Conference in Mauritius, 1997; also participated in a 44th CPA Seminar in U.K.,1995 and 5th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar at Ottawa (Canada),2006. During CPA Conferences also undertook study tours of U.S.A., Japan, Thailand,U.A.E., Singapore, Australia, China, Hongkong, Bangkok (Thailand), Brazil, South Africa and Phillipines.
- Favourite Pastime : Gardening, planting trees, horticulture, playing badminton and reading.
- Awards: Adjudged as Best Parliamentarian during 1998-2003 by Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, (H.P. branch). As Speaker participated in various Annual All India Presiding Officers' as well as CPA Conferences held from time to time.