Sujan Singh Pathania (Sujan Singh Pathania)
8 - Fatehpur,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly,
8 - Fatehpur,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2012
Cycle fundraising - {{candidate_funds[0].cycle}}
Campaign Cycle | Amount |
Raised: | ${{candidate_funds[0].total}} |
Spent: | ${{candidate_funds[0].spent}} |
Cash On Hand: | ${{candidate_funds[0].cash_on_hand}} |
Debts: | ${{candidate_funds[0].debt}} |
Last Report: | {{candidate_funds[0].last_updated}} |
Top 5 five contributors, {{candidate_contributions[0].cycle}}, Campaign Cmte
Contributor Image | Contributor | Total | Indivs |
{{ contributor.org_name | titleCase}} | ${{ contributor.total}} | ${{ contributor.individuals}} |
Top 5 five Industries - {{top_industries[0].cycle}}
Industry | Total |
{{ industry.industry_name}} | ${{ industry.total}} |
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Son of Shri Hoshiyar Singh; born on 22nd September, 1943 at Lahore (now in Pakistan); B.A. and two years training in Forestry from N.F.R.C., Dehradun; married to Smt. Ravinder Kumari Pathania on 5th Oct, 1973; one son and one daughter, Agriculturist .
An active athlete during school and college years; joined H.P. Forest Department as Range Officer; resigned from service to join Janata Party in 1977 and later on joined Congress (I) in 1980.
Elected to State Legislative Assembly first in 1977 and again in 1990, 1993, 2003 and in November, 2009 (by- election) from Jawali Constituency which after delimination has renamed as Fathepur. Remained Vice-Chairman, State Forest Corporation, 1982-83, and ii) State Housing Board, 1984-85; Minister of State for Agriculture (Independent charge), 1995-98; and Transport Minister, August 2007 to December 2007; and Member, Estimates and Public Administration Committees, from November 2009 to December 2012.
Elected to the State Legislative Assembly for the sixth time in December, 2012 ; inducted into Council of Minister as MPP & Power Minister with additional charge of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Agriculture.
- Additional Charge:Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Agriculture
- Special Interest : Agriculture, gardening and reading religious and history books.
- Languages Known : Hindi, English and Punjabi.