Thakur Singh Bharmouri (Thakur Singh Bharmouri)
2 - Bharmour,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2017,
2 - Bharmour,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2012
Cycle fundraising - {{candidate_funds[0].cycle}}
Campaign Cycle | Amount |
Raised: | ${{candidate_funds[0].total}} |
Spent: | ${{candidate_funds[0].spent}} |
Cash On Hand: | ${{candidate_funds[0].cash_on_hand}} |
Debts: | ${{candidate_funds[0].debt}} |
Last Report: | {{candidate_funds[0].last_updated}} |
Top 5 five contributors, {{candidate_contributions[0].cycle}}, Campaign Cmte
Contributor Image | Contributor | Total | Indivs |
{{ contributor.org_name | titleCase}} | ${{ contributor.total}} | ${{ contributor.individuals}} |
Top 5 five Industries - {{top_industries[0].cycle}}
Industry | Total |
{{ industry.industry_name}} | ${{ industry.total}} |
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Son of Shri Nanak Chand; born on 8th February, 1947 at Sachuin (Bharmour), Distt. Chamba; Graduate; educated at Bharmour and Chamba; married to Smt. Savirti Devi; one son and one daughter; Horticulturist, Agriculturist and Political & social Worker.
Took active part in sports during school & college years; Senior warrant Officer, NCC; Vice-President, National Students Union of India (NSUI); Pradhan, Gram Panchayat, Bharmour 1974; Chairman, Block Development Committee, 1976-1981; President, Gaddi Union since 1970; Joint Secretary, HP. Youth Congress, 1976; Convener, Pradesh Youth Congress, Panchyati Raj Cell since 1977; Member, Tribal Advisory Council ii) District Congress Committee since 1980; Chairman, Pradesh Congress Nomadic Tribes Cell and Convener, Rural Labour Federation since 1981.
Elected to the State Legislative Assembly in 1982, 1985, 1993 and in June, 2003.
Remained Member of various House Panels such as Public Accounts, Subordinate Legislation, Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Estimates and Petitions; Chief Parliamentary Secretary, 1989-90 & 4 April, 2005 to 18 August, 2005; and chairman, HP. Wool Federation.
Elected to the State Legislative Assembly for the fifth time in 2012 and inducted into Council of Minister as Forest Minister with additional charge of Fisheries.
- Additional Charge:Fisheries
- Languages Known : Hindi, Sanskrit and English.
- Favorite Pastime : Music and sports.