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Last Report:{{candidate_funds[0].last_updated}}

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{{ contributor.org_name}} {{ contributor.org_name | titleCase}} ${{ contributor.total}} ${{ contributor.individuals}}

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{{ industry.industry_name}}${{ industry.total}}

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A leader with a mass following with a clean image. Harbhajan Singh Bhajii is known for his political acumen and a flair for taking up public issues of the people of Shimla. Rising from a party worker to the position of a MLA from Shimla Harbhajan Singh Bhajji is a popular face among the people of Shimla. Bhajji Bhai - as people like to call him lovingly has shouldered various responsibilities from time to time given by the citizens of Shimla and by the Indian National Congress. An energetic individual with one sole motive of serving humanity Harbhajan Singh Bhajji is an active politician serving the state of Himachal Pradesh for the last few decades.