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  • Son of Shri Bhagat Ram Kondal; born at village Jol, Distt. Bilaspur on January 5, 1947; Matric and Diploma in Electrical Engineering; educated at Mandi; married to Smt. Prakasho Devi Kaundal; One son and three daughters; Political Worker.

    Began his career as Electrical Chargeman in Hydel Project, Jogindernagar; joined politics in 1975; remained President, Distt. Youth Congress for two years; Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat ( three years).

    Elected to the State Legislative Assembly in 1985 and re-elected in 1990, 1998 and December 2007 from Geharwin Assembly Constituency which after the delimitation has renamed as Jhanduta. Remained Deputy Speaker, 1990-92; Minister of State for Co-operation, October 1998 to March 2003; and Chairman of Welfare and Member Human Development Committees before being elected Deputy Speaker on 04-08-2009 and remained such till December 2012.

    Returned to Legislative Assembly for a fifth term in December 2012.

    • Special Interest : Upliftment of weaker sections.
    • Languages Known : English and Hindi
    • Conferences/Seminars Attended : Participated in 74th, 75th and 76th Presiding Officers Conference held at Bhobal, Srinagar and Jaipur, respectively and 4th India and Asia Regions CPA Conference held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh from 25th to 29th October, 2010