Jagjiwan Paul (Jagjiwan Paul)
14 - Sullah,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2017,
14 - Sullah,Himachal Pradesh,
State Assembly 2012
Cycle fundraising - {{candidate_funds[0].cycle}}
Campaign Cycle | Amount |
Raised: | ${{candidate_funds[0].total}} |
Spent: | ${{candidate_funds[0].spent}} |
Cash On Hand: | ${{candidate_funds[0].cash_on_hand}} |
Debts: | ${{candidate_funds[0].debt}} |
Last Report: | {{candidate_funds[0].last_updated}} |
Top 5 five contributors, {{candidate_contributions[0].cycle}}, Campaign Cmte
Contributor Image | Contributor | Total | Indivs |
{{ contributor.org_name | titleCase}} | ${{ contributor.total}} | ${{ contributor.individuals}} |
Top 5 five Industries - {{top_industries[0].cycle}}
Industry | Total |
{{ industry.industry_name}} | ${{ industry.total}} |
Organizations who donated to Jagjiwan Paul (Jagjiwan Paul) also donated to...

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Son of Shri Jog Raj; born on 1st May, 1954 at Khera, Distt. Kangra; Graduate and Diploma in Pharmacy (Allopathic); married to Smt. Ram Piary; one son and one daughter; Agriculturist.
Elected to State Legislative Assembly for the first time in March, 2003; remained Vice Chairman, State Civil Supplies Corporation April 2005 to December 2007.
Elected again to the State Legislative Assembly in December, 2012 and appointed Chief Parliamentary Secretary.
- Special Interest : Agriculture
- Languages Known : Hindi and English.
- Favourite Pastime : Sports.